Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cursive:  p q r

Reading:  "Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck". Level N books from raz-kids.
Math. addition/subtraction. Its getting too easy for him now days.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reading: "The Buffalo hunt". Raz-kids. Level N.
This is what Landon has been working lately.
Writing.  For couple of days Landon has been working on his new story called "The Starry Night".
Here it is - the final book.



Monday, June 4, 2012

Reading: "Elephants". Raz-kids. Level N.
Writing: finishing draft for his new story.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Looks like a good day to study :) So cold and cloudy outside. Perfect day to stay home and get cozy with kids :)
We started our day with CURSIVE - by Landon's request. He did letters j k and l. If he does 3 letters a day like he is doing he will be writing his story in cursive in a week :) He told me that soon he will write books in cursive.

After a break we went on line to READ a book. He chose a book called "Coral Reefs".

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Let see... we did little bit here and there and we accomplished 3 things today.
Level N. "Sammy Stuffit"


a column of addition and a column of subtraction.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WEDNESDAY May 30 2012

We did short mini practice for Math and Cursive. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TUESDAY May 29 2012

Landon R E A L L  Y wants to learn cursive now days. In kindergarten while all the kids were doing work he would finish his work quickly and would start making his own version of cursive letters. So this time while I have him for a whole summer I think I would just teach him to write cursive. He told me he wants to write books in cursive and cant wait to do it. He knows already several letters in cursive and how to connect them together and he has been doing it in the word "the" he knows how to connect h and e together. But i would rather him do all the work in print OR cursive and not combine 2 styles together. I know he really really really wants to learn cursive so here we come:

CURSIVE Practice #1

WRITING. For several days Landon has been working on this cute story. He is a pretty good speller and can write sentences. This time during summer I want to show him how he needs to organize his thoughts when he writes. He divides his story into 3 paragraphs.
Paragraph #1: Beginning of the story: Setting (time and place), Characters and their goal, Beginning of the Problem.
Paragraph #2: Middle of the story: Problem/Solution
Paragraph #3: Ending of the story:  how he wants his story to end.



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Here are 4 books he completed last week and today.