Excess insulin in response to a meal converts protein, glucose, and dietary fat to stored fat.
Excess insulin removes fat from the blood and transports it into fat cells.
Excess insulin forces the body to burn carbohydrates for energy instead of stored fat.
Elevated insulin levels inhibit the release and utilization of stored body fat for energy.
Elevated insulin converts and stores excess glucose as fat.
Elevated insulin can be caused by too many carbohydrates in a meal and not enough protein, essential fats, and fiber.
Too big of a meal can elevate insulin.
Following SomerSize diet, i found out that Carbs are more fattening than fat!
ProFat food like chicken, cheese, eggs and such can be eaten with Veggie
Carbo food (brown rice and such) can be eaten with Veggies
ProFat and Carbo food should not be eaten together because your insulin from carbs will store all the good fat into fat sells. Without Insulin there would be no way to store protein and ProFats.
I thought this was very interesting.