Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SUMMER - July 2011

LANDON  - {REPORT CARD} - July 2011

oh my! time went way too fast since my last entry. 

Let see... we are on Summer mode at this moment. Very gentle math, reading and writing.

Here is the video of him doing addition and subtraction from his 2nd grade drill Kumon book.

Also we did a bit of writing this week. 2 stories. This is one of them. You can click to make it larger.

He also been promoted to Advanced Beginner for his gymnastics class. This is his first class at this level. My time does not allow me to bring him to boys class. He is approaching to be 6 soon and needs to be placed in all boys class. But for now time wise on my side this cant happen and are letting him be in girls class for now :)

Here is the video of his first class in Advanced Beginner group.